The Skinny Skink

In the backyard is the wooden cubby. As I was cleaning it, in the dirt I found a lizard. it looked dry hiding under the waterslide. As I lifted up the waterslide, it made a run for it and it tried to climb the ledge to escape to the grass.

“Caity!” I called for my friend.

Together we tried to catch the skinny skink. I grabbed the plastic stilt and trapped the lizard underneath. Caity was still looking for the lizard.

“But where did it go?” she shouted.

“I’ve got it!” I shouted. I felt as proud as the day I had finished my most beautiful artwork.

My first two weeks at school

in Math we have bean doing numeracy ninjas and  exploding dots, factors. I liked them because it is fun.

In Literacy, I enjoyed doing Silver Buttons and learning about writing sentences. Next week we will make our own books.

The tray labels was good because I got to use my creativity.