100 Challenge

once upon a time there was a cave as I was walking along the path and as I had a gust of wind but it wasn’t like normal wind it had a voice and it said “come to me I have gold and jullry and jouls and i can make you rich” it said so I decided to go in and there was no gold and jullery and jouls there was only a dragon and it had cuts and scars all over it and its wings had holes in it and it was terrifying it saw me so I tryed to run but he blocked the way and bit my head off .

100 word challenge

flip the art gallery sign said open. it  was open but there was a long line up so we had to wait a long time, 23 minutes later its finally our shot to go inside the art gallery. the art was phenomenaly great and the tour took 3 hours and so we went home and went to watched a movie and that took 1 hour and 45 minutes and we whent to bed and fell asleep and i had a dream about the art we saw and the world was all made out of art and it was time to get up for school

The Skinny Skink

In the backyard is the wooden cubby. As I was cleaning it, in the dirt I found a lizard. it looked dry hiding under the waterslide. As I lifted up the waterslide, it made a run for it and it tried to climb the ledge to escape to the grass.

“Caity!” I called for my friend.

Together we tried to catch the skinny skink. I grabbed the plastic stilt and trapped the lizard underneath. Caity was still looking for the lizard.

“But where did it go?” she shouted.

“I’ve got it!” I shouted. I felt as proud as the day I had finished my most beautiful artwork.

My first two weeks at school

in Math we have bean doing numeracy ninjas and  exploding dots, factors. I liked them because it is fun.

In Literacy, I enjoyed doing Silver Buttons and learning about writing sentences. Next week we will make our own books.

The tray labels was good because I got to use my creativity.